After weeks of voting, Lost fans have decided that the best Location on Lost to date is the main beach camp in a fairly one-sided final against Jacob Shack.
Just wanted to give a massive thanks to Dharmaggedon for putting this cup together along with his great images, and thanks to the thousands of you who voted and commented.
I also thought with Season 4 rapidly approaching to list all the cup winners we've had during this ever so long Hiatus. Thanks again to all my helpers, especially G-Man and Dharmageddon for all their hard work on running this cups and polls.
And thanks to you all for sticking around DarkUFO during this Hiatus which we have managed to survive, in fact we've managed to survive longer than our Losties have on the Island to date.
Due to the writers strike is looks like we're going to have another extended break before we get to see episodes 9-16 so we have a few more things planned for this next break but we seem to have survived the first one pretty much intact.
Below is a summary of the cup winners and here's hoping for some more excellent, scenes, characters, locations and episodes in Season 4.
Oh and a Happy New Year to you all, I hope you all have a great 2008 and continue to visit us here at DarkUFO.
Update: 19:20 Thanks to everyone who phoned up. It appears that a new site will be opening on December 31. I've removed links and info to the old fan site that we mistakingly posted as the new real site.
Also, thanks to Bolshoi for the following scan from I Am The Monster of the back of the Lost Magazine.
(Click to Enlarge)
I've just come across this strange press release from ABC.... I've no idea what it's about. If anyone finds any more info on this please give me a shout.
Anyone from the US want to call the contact number?
Oceanic Airlines Contact Georgia Cavanagh (818) 460-5520 for more information
Flights Begin December 31 To Nine Markets Oceanic Airlines announced today their return to the airways. Beginning December 31, operations and flights to nine markets will resume, “Taking You Places You Never Imagined.” Destinations include:
Los Angeles, CA Tustin, CA Ames, IA Miami, FL New York, NY Portland, OR Knoxville, TN Seoul, South Korea Sydney, Australia
“We are very eager to resume flying and apologize for any inconvenience our temporary closure may have caused our loyal customers,” said Michael Orteig, President, Oceanic Airlines. “Oceanic Airlines is proud to be a top tier flight provider and looks forward to providing travelers with many more years of unparalleled service.”
About Oceanic Airlines In business for over 25 years, Oceanic Airlines is a major airline carrier and offers the highest caliber of service for international and domestic flights. Destinations include Los Angeles, London, Sydney and South Korea.
Oceanic Airlines Contact Georgia Cavanagh (818) 460-5520 for more information
Congratulations to The Main Beach Camp which stormed into the final after a comprehensive victory over Room 23.
Today we'll find out who will be joining them in the final as we see 2 of the most mysterious locations battling it out.
The Black Rock: Arctic Listening Station, Othersville, The Miami Hospital, The Dharma Van Site. Jacob’s Shack: Inside Flight 815, Sydney Airport Bar, Hurley's Golf Course,The Hanging Tree,
The Black Rock was one of Season 1’s great mysteries. At first it was merely talked about but never seen, and so most viewers assumed that “the Black Rock” was indeed just a black rock. However, later on in the Season, Danielle led a small group of our Losties to the “the Black Rock” and we finally got to see it for ourselves. The Black Rock is a British slaving ship, located inland on the island, deep within the “dark territory”. Just how the ship became so far stranded inland remains a big mystery. Arzt met his end there while trying to stress the importance of safety with explosives. Naturally he blew himself up. Anthony Cooper also met his end there at the hands of James “Sawyer” Ford, after it was revealed that Anthony Cooper was in fact the man who conned James’ parents and ultimately killed them both.
When Ben first takes Locke to meet the mysterious Jacob in “The Man Behind the Curtain”, Ben leads John to a decrepit looking cabin deep in the jungle. Inside of the cabin they find an empty chair and Ben introduces the chair’s invisible occupant as none other than Jacob. Locke, unable to see Jacob, believes that Ben is either lying or plain crazy, and so he turns to leave the cabin. As Locke attempts to leave he hears the pained words “Help me”. Confused and bewildered, Locke shines his flashlight upon Ben and the empty chair, which sets in motion what can only be described as a terrifying poltergeist moment. The cabin begins to shake violently, Ben is thrown up against a wall and Locke very narrowly escapes the cabin unscathed. Amongst all of the mayhem, we briefly get a quick glimpse of the elusive Jacob sitting in the chair.
Introduction Welcome once again! The year is fastly coming to a close and so is the wait for Season 4.
Week 6 of the Hiatus League was a frustrating one. Instead of rebounding from our week-to-week decline in total episode points that began in Week 2, "Deus Ex Machina" puts us even further in the hole! The episode features very few of our characters, resulting in NEGATIVE total episode points!
Will we see an end to this decline? One can only hope. Perhaps our final two episodes will steer us in the right direction. But for now, enjoy the slightly altered format for the video update and check out all the League data below.
If you have any questions, leave a comment or drop us an email at
“Deus Ex Machina” (in 500 words or less)
Locke and Boone build a trebuchet to break open the hatch window. It’s a medieval weapon that Boone doesn’t know how to spell and it doesn’t open the hatch. Locke is frustrated. Then they notice Jungle John has a chunk of metal sticking out of his leg, but he can’t feel it. This worries Locke like you wouldn’t believe, because he was, after all, miraculously able to walk after the plane crash.
Just when Locke doesn’t know what to do, the Island sends him a sign. Well, actually it’s more like a dream where Boone is all busted up, an airplane falls from the sky, Locke’s mother shows up and Locke is confined to a wheelchair once more. What part of this vision sounds like a good idea?
Locke tells Boone about his vision and Boone asks if John’s been using that wacky paste stuff that made him see his sister get eaten. Locke says no and they trudge off through the jungle to find the airplane. They find it, but along the way Locke has trouble walking. Boone climbs up inside and finds out the plane is full of heroin from Nigeria. He tries the radio and talks to someone claiming to be a survivor of Flight 815.
All of this will make sense much later, but for now, Boone and the plane fall out of the tree. They both get mashed up, but Boone takes it harder than the plane. Locke hobbles his way over, picks up Boone and stumbles his way back to camp, where he lies about Boone’s injuries and runs away while Jack is asking questions that could save Boone’s life.
Locke is a broken man, crying and pounding on the hatch like a sissy. Just when it seems he has lost his faith, a light turns on inside. This too will make sense later, but for now, Locke’s faith is restored.
The B-Plot revolves around Sawyer having headaches. All he needs is glasses, but Jack asks him a bunch of embarrassing questions about hookers and STDs in front of Kate. Smooth move Doc. Sayid makes him a pair, which are ugly, prompting Hurley to make a witty comment during his 5 seconds on-screen.
Flashbacks reveal the origins of Locke’s relationship with his father. Big Bad Dad suckers Locke out of a kidney via a thoroughly laid out plan designed to make Locke think his dad actually likes him. This sets up years of pent up anger, cynicism and self-loathing for our dear Jungle John.
The only ruling of significance this week is that Locke lost an additional 5 points for causing himself bodily harm. Common sense would tell you not to go running off with fresh sutures in your side. Because Locke chose to go looking for Cooper, he caused himself harm by bursting his new sutures. Instead of just the standard 10 point deduction for being injured, the extra 5 is tacked on for injuring himself.
Other characters have caused themselves harm during Lost as well. Boone had to hurt himself when trying to escape from Locke's rope trap in "Hearts and Minds", Sayid shot himself in the leg to help Nadia escape from prison in "Solitary", and (most famously) Michael shot himself in the arm after killing Ana-Lucia and Libby in the Hatch during "Two for the Road."
Just goes to show you that our Losties really need to be on their best behavior!
With only 9 League characters appearing in the episode and only 8 coming out with positive points, there were plenty of Lost Fantasy Losers this week (namely Groups 4-7). Here's how it all breaks down:
Group 1- LOCKE (+90): Attendance (+5); First Person on Screen (+15); Off-Island Flashback (+15); Episode Centricity (+25); Uses the Numbers (+20); Gets Hurt- shrapnel from the trebuchet (-10); Gets Hurt- Knocked over by a car in his flashback (-10); Has an Island Vision (+30); Gets Hurt- incapacitated in his vision (-10); Gets Hurt- Loses his ability to walk again (-10); Discovers a New Thing- the Beechcraft airplane (+20); Injures Someone- hurts himself by leaving the hospital too early, tearing out his fresh sutures (-5); Gets Hurt- his fresh sutures tear open (-10); Last Line in Episode (+5); Last Person on Screen (+10) JACK (+5): Attendance (+5) KATE (+5): Attendance (+5) BEN (-5): Absent from Episode (-5) SAWYER (-5): Attendance (+5); Gets Hurt- constant headaches cause him much pain and discomfort (-10)
Group 2- HURLEY (+5): Attendance (+5) MICHAEL (+5): Attendance (+5) SAYID (+5): Attendance (+5) DESMOND (-5): Absent from Episode (-5) JULIET (-5): Absent from Episode (-5)
Group 3- JIN (+5): Attendance (+5) SUN (+5): Attendance (+5) CLAIRE (-5): Absent from Episode (-5) JACOB (-5): Absent from Episode (-5) ROUSSEAU (-5): Absent from Episode (-5)
Group 4- ALEX (-5): Absent from Episode (-5) BERNARD (-5): Absent from Episode (-5) KARL (-5): Absent from Episode (-5) ROSE (-5): Absent from Episode (-5) WALT (-5): Absent from Episode (-5)
Group 5- AARON (-5): Absent from Episode (-5) CINDY (-5): Absent from Episode (-5) MARVIN CANDLE (-5): Absent from Episode (-5) PENNY (-5): Absent from Episode (-5) RICHARD (-5): Absent from Episode (-5)
Group 6- ETHAN (-5): Absent from Episode (-5) HAWKING (-5): Absent from Episode (-5) LIBBY (-5): Absent from Episode (-5) RACHEL (-5): Absent from Episode (-5) WIDMORE (-5): Absent from Episode (-5)
Group 7- CHRISTIAN (-5): Absent from Episode (-5) KELVIN (-5): Absent from Episode (-5) KEVIN CALLIS (-5): Absent from Episode (-5) MR. PAIK (-5): Absent from Episode (-5) NADIA (-5): Absent from Episode (-5)
Non-League Characters- BOONE (+5)- Attendance (+5); Injured- appears bloody in Locke's vision (-10); Discovers a new thing- the Beechcraft plane (+20); Injured- crushed when the plane falls out of the tree (-20)
There were 115 Fantasy Geniuses of the Week for Week 6! With a limited amount of points being dished out, there were several possible character combinations to get you into the FGotW grouping. Here are all 115 of our Geniuses of the Week. Two of our celebs made the list and they are in bold.
For those of us who did not make it onto the list, maybe you're roster will be the top dog for Week 7. Good luck!
Congratulations to the following:
?, Ack, ackermaniv, acpasap, amyrhunter, antxonarraiza, bayern.lieber, BishFiscuit, Blake, Bob, Bored of the Dead, brandon parker, C., Chase, Chris Kennedy, CoolestMum, Corqsan, craigchamps, Curtislost, Curtislost, Dan, darian_zg, david, debsmad, dmalato2, Draal, Dylan Turney, Electra, Electromagnet, Electromagnet, esf1212, franciswight, gargol, gator108, George Leary, GoPats, grroarrr, hootis,, ib4uc,, Jake, jcoleslaw, jededalus, joacomoreno, joaquim1111, jodiecoston, joe14c, Johann, John Pritzlaff, just_here, Kalirooey, kaylin, knickfan, KYRA, laksh, langer, likeawasp, limbo, LIVI, Long LOST Love, losandemivi, lost_fan_atic, LostMyMarbles, lostucf, luth, madhatter1725, maewe, MARTY494, MattNud, McLeron, melgant, mudo69, najwito, Neil, nene666, newshamlost, Niels_Lost, nipplecripple, oddnuance1725, Orome, OwlieOnFire, Peepstone, phil.colvin, phoenixautumn, pichuneke, PJSprkls, ptrstvns04, rattik, redjune, Richard Tejedo, RoCy, rowlandchane, Royyy, ryanwayne or waynegoesdigital, Sarkaar, Scalesse27, Serpico, Shellou, Shielder, skipper, smf1973, soriano12, starsprite, Stay Puft, The Lost Ninja, the sanmans mind, theturkishzoo, Tim Brown, Tman24, Uniform129, Watanabex, wowbobwow, xxxvictimizerxxx, zaifoz
Come back in two weeks for our Week 7 update. I'll have watched the Season 3 episode "The Glass Ballerina."
In this episode we set sail on the opens seas (well, actually just around the Island) with Jin, Sun and Sayid, as they try to hatch a plan to locate and/or rescue Jack, Kate and Sawyer, who have fallen into the hands of the Others. Meanwhile, Kate and Sawyer face hard labor by their new captors and the man we used to know as Henry Gale makes Jack an offer.
This episode is both Sun and Jin centric and it features a few more characters than Week 6, so be on the lookout for some points changes and not nearly as many Geniuses of the Week.
Hope everyone is having a great Christmas so far. With a couple of days off it's time to start the semi-finals of the Location Cup.
All 4 remaining Locations are all on-island locations. There are 2 from Season 3 and 2 from Season 1. You can see today's matchup and progress so far below. Thanks again to Dharmageddon for the new photos for this round.
Room 23: The Cockpit, Hoffs/Drawlar Funeral Parlor, The "Leyland" Pub and Ana-Lucia’s Tiger Pit The Main Beach Camp: The Four-Toed Statue, The Nigerian Village, The Fuselage Crash Site, Henry Gale's Balloon/Grave
Room 23 was a locked room in the Hydra station compound, in which Karl was kept as a detainee in the episode "Not in Portland". It is located in what appears to be a relatively small outside facility guarded by an ‘Other’ named Aldo. Karl was subjected to some kind of brainwashing experimentation, by being forced to watch a trippy video through neon blue goggles, and all accompanied by banging drum-and-bass music. He was also found to have been injected with an IV needle in his arm. The video itself contained various quick cuts of images and text, including glimpses of Gerald DeGroot and Alvar Hanso. We were also given a rather exciting glimpse of the text "God loves you as He loved Jacob"
The main beach camp was the island home to the survivors of the middle section of Oceanic flight 815. Sawyer has been known to refer to it as “Islandtown”. At first the camp was set up close to the plane wreckage, with our Losties seeking shelter beneath broken parts of the fuselage, and with some even sleeping on the open sand. Around day 22 the tide changed and started sweeping away the wreckage. Our Losties were thereafter forced to move up the beach to an area bordering the jungle foliage. There our Losties began to erect permanent shelters and huts. They were able to create a more confortable living space there. More recently the beach camp was set with explosives and blown to pieces in order to contest the attacking threat of the ‘Others’.
Jacob isn't the only one who makes lists you know! As a special Christmas surprise, Santa Claus has dropped in to share his "Naughty" and "Nice" lists with us. Only his list shows us which of our League characters have gained or lost points from the recent points adjustments.
Only 14 characters were affected one way or the other after we adjusted the points, so if any of your characters' names do not appear below it means that they retained their points total and were unaffected by our adjustments.
Some characters were hit harder than others, so be sure to check this out. Otherwise, you may be blindsided by a wildly different score than you were expecting come the posting of Week 6 data.
These adjustments affect only the first five weeks of competition. Week 6 scores will be posted on Thursday evening (US Eastern time).
Jack (-10): Jack loses 10 points for being thrown to the ground when dear Dr. Arzt detonated himself in "Exodus Part 2." The force of the explosion threw everyone down to the ground and it is now considered an injury.
Hurley (-10): Although Hurley does his best to keep everybody thinking positively, he also loses 10 points for being tossed to the dirt when Dr. Arzt went boom.
Sayid (-10): Because of stricter rules on rough-housing, Sayid loses 5 points for grabbing Charlie by the neck in "Exodus Part 2" and another 5 points for tackling Shannon in "The Greater Good."
Claire (-10): Taking care of her baby and patching things up with Charlie wasn't enough to keep momma Claire off the naughty list. Five points were deducted for her memory of scratching Rousseau and another five were taken off for hysterically beating on Charlie when he refused to let her come with him and Sayid to track down the baby-snatching French chick. Both occurred in "Exodus Part 2."
Rousseau (-10): Rousseau loses 10 points for getting scratched by Claire (albeit in memory) in "Exodus Part 2."
Locke (-20): Everybody's favorite hunter/explorer loses points for getting pushed (and pulled) around. In "Exodus Part 2", Locke gets thrown to the ground by the exploding Arzt and then later gets dragged through the jungle by the Smoke Monster. These events cost Locke 10 points each.
Jin (-30): Jin had 20 points stripped from him in "Exodus Part 2" because he did not discover the Others. Since the Others were looking for the raft folk, our refined discovery rules take away those precious points from our first hiatus episode. Jin loses another 10 points for being tossed into the tiger pit in "The Other 48 Days." We're now ruling that getting thrown into a pit is unpleasant enough to be considered an injury.
Walt (-30): Walt also loses the 20 points for discovering the Others, since the raft folk didn't discover them. But to add insult to injury, he loses an additional 10 points for being abducted by the Others at the end of "Exodus Part 2." Since we see that he is taken by force, the abduction counts as an injury.
Sawyer (-40): Everyone's favorite con-man has a penchant for being naughty, so it's no surprise he made the list. Sawyer also is stripped of the 20 discovery points from "Exodus Part 2", but he also loses 10 points for being thrown into the tiger pit in "The Other 48 Days." To further add to his losses, Ana-Lucia popped him on the cheek when she was in the pit, costing Sawyer another 10 points.
Michael (-45): It seems Michael's naughtiness knows no bounds! He also loses out on those 20 discover points from "Exodus Part 2" and 10 points for being thrown into the tiger pit in "The Other 48 Days", but he also loses 10 points for being tackled by Boone and 5 points for throwing Brian Porter up against a wall during a flashback, both occurring in "Special."
Kate (+10): The cutest convict on TV manages to redeem herself on Santa's list. Despite losing 10 points for being tossed like a rag doll by Arzt's messy disappearing trick in "Exodus Part 2", she earns 20 points for discovering the satellite radio when stumbling upon Sayid and Hurley trying to make it work during "The Brig."
Cindy (+10): Taking a cue from Kate, Cindy also manages to turn her luck around. The crash of 815 is now considered an injuring event. Prior to this ruling, Cindy was the only Tailie not injured by the crash. She loses 10 points for being in the wreck but rebounds by earning 20 points for meeting our trio of raft survivors, which they had no previous knowledge of. Both events took place in "The Other 48 Days."
Bernard (+20): Bernard also receives 20 points for discovering new people in our Lostie pals. This moves Bernie ahead of Hurley for the highest single episode total for a League character.
Libby (+20): She also benefits from discovering "new" people, our Lostie friends in "The Other 48 Days."
Congratulations to The Black Rock for progressing through to the Semi-Finals at the expense of the Arctic Listening Station.
Today sees the last Quarter-Final matchup between Jacob's Shack and the Inside of Flight 815. Below you can see their progress through to to the QF's.
Jacob’s Shack: Sydney Airport Bar, Hurley's Golf Course,The Hanging Tree, Inside Flight 815: Sydney International Airport,The Los Angeles "tour de stade" Stadium, The Expose Bar/Strip Club
Note: We will start the Semi-Finals on 27th Dec giving everyone a couple of days off over Xmas.
When Ben first takes Locke to meet the mysterious Jacob in “The Man Behind the Curtain”, Ben leads John to a decrepit looking cabin deep in the jungle. Inside of the cabin they find an empty chair and Ben introduces the chair’s invisible occupant as none other than Jacob. Locke, unable to see Jacob, believes that Ben is either lying or plain crazy, and so he turns to leave the cabin. As Locke attempts to leave he hears the pained words “Help me”. Confused and bewildered, Locke shines his flashlight upon Ben and the empty chair, which sets in motion what can only be described as a terrifying poltergeist moment. The cabin begins to shake violently, Ben is thrown up against a wall and Locke very narrowly escapes the cabin unscathed. Amongst all of the mayhem, we briefly get a quick glimpse of the elusive Jacob sitting in the chair.
Oceanic Airlines Flight 815 departed from Sydney, Australia on September 22nd 2004, at 14:15, from gate 23, flying to Los Angeles, California. There were 324 people on-board the Boeing 777. Approximately six hours into the flight, flight 815 encountered problems with their radio. The pilot decided to turn towards Fiji, but approximately two hours after that the plane hit a heavy turbulence. The plane began to descend and then underwent a mid-air break-up. The tail section tore away first and crashed into the ocean. Moments later, the cockpit section and the middle section tore apart and both crashed onto the mysterious island. Thanks to Lost flashbacks, we have been treated to glimpses of the passengers onboard flight 815, just moments prior to the plane taking a nosedive.
Congratulations to The Main Beach Camp for taking the second of the 4 Semi-Final spots. It overcame a strong challenge from the Four-Toed Statue.
Today sees and On vs Off Island encounter. Can we get our first off-island location into the Semi-Finals or will the power of the Island keep it out?
Previous rounds:
Arctic Listening Station: Santa Rosa Mental Health Institute, Mittelos BioScience Presentation Room, Los Angeles International Airport The Black Rock: Othersville, The Miami Hospital, The Dharma Van Site.
The Listening Station was featured in our very first, and perhaps only, real-time off-island scene. At the very end of Season 2 of Lost, we were greeted to a snow swept bunker of sorts. Inside were to be found two Portuguese men playing chess. It soon became apparent that it was their job to track major electromagnetic anomalies. It is thought that Locke’s failure to enter the Swan Station code, and Desmond’s subsequent turning of the failsafe key, alerted the Portuguese men to the location of the island. It also turned out that the Portuguese men are working for Desmond’s long time love interest; Penny.
The Black Rock was one of Season 1’s great mysteries. At first it was merely talked about but never seen, and so most viewers assumed that “the Black Rock” was indeed just a black rock. However, later on in the Season, Danielle led a small group of our Losties to the “the Black Rock” and we finally got to see it for ourselves. The Black Rock is a British slaving ship, located inland on the island, deep within the “dark territory”. Just how the ship became so far stranded inland remains a big mystery. Arzt met his end there while trying to stress the importance of safety with explosives. Naturally he blew himself up. Anthony Cooper also met his end there at the hands of James “Sawyer” Ford, after it was revealed that Anthony Cooper was in fact the man who conned James’ parents and ultimately killed them both.
Congratulations to Room 23 for becoming our 1st Semi-Finalist.
Who will be joining it from todays battle between The Four-Toed Statue and The Main Beach Camp. You can see their previous conquests below.
The Four-Toed Statue: The Line, The Nigerian Airstrip, The Pearl Station The Main Beach Camp: The Nigerian Village, The Fuselage Crash Site, Henry Gale's Balloon/Grave
This four toed statue was first spotted from a sailboat by Sayid, Sun and Jin, as they were sailing to what they thought was the Others’ island camp. Little is known about the statue itself, but what is known is that it pre-dates the arrival of the Dharma Initiative in the late 1970’s. To sum this location up nicely, and to quote Sayid: “I don’t know what I find more disquieting; the fact that the rest of the statue is missing, or that it has four toes”
The main beach camp was the island home to the survivors of the middle section of Oceanic flight 815. Sawyer has been known to refer to it as “Islandtown”. At first the camp was set up close to the plane wreckage, with our Losties seeking shelter beneath broken parts of the fuselage, and with some even sleeping on the open sand. Around day 22 the tide changed and started sweeping away the wreckage. Our Losties were thereafter forced to move up the beach to an area bordering the jungle foliage. There our Losties began to erect permanent shelters and huts. They were able to create a more confortable living space there. More recently the beach camp was set with explosives and blown to pieces in order to contest the attacking threat of the ‘Others’.
Congratulations to The Black Rock (51%) for overcoming a titantic battle yesterday with Othersville (49%) which saw both locations neck and neck all day long.
Today sees the start of the Quarter Finals and is sure to throw together some heavyweight matchups and close battles. Thanks again to Dharmageddon for another set of photos for this round.
The first QF brings together 2 On-Island locations which have both seen a strong following in previous rounds.
The Cockpit has overcome: Mr. Cluck's Chicken Shack, Kate’s Iowa Home and the Pala Ferry. Room 23 has overcome: Hoffs/Drawlar Funeral Parlor, The "Leyland" Pub and Ana-Lucia’s Tiger Pit
Who will win the first place into the Semi-Finals?
Room 23 was a locked room in the Hydra station compound, in which Karl was kept as a detainee in the episode "Not in Portland". It is located in what appears to be a relatively small outside facility guarded by an ‘Other’ named Aldo. Karl was subjected to some kind of brainwashing experimentation, by being forced to watch a trippy video through neon blue goggles, and all accompanied by banging drum-and-bass music. He was also found to have been injected with an IV needle in his arm. The video itself contained various quick cuts of images and text, including glimpses of Gerald DeGroot and Alvar Hanso. We were also given a rather exciting glimpse of the text "God loves you as He loved Jacob"
The front plane section of Oceanic flight 815 included the cockpit and the first class seating section. When the doomed flight 815 fell out of the sky, the front plane section crashed down into the dense island jungle, a few miles or so inland from the coast. In order to retrieve the flight’s black box, Jack, Kate and Charlie ventured into the jungle in search of the front plane section. Upon finding the intact plane section, the three of them also discovered that the pilot of the plane was still alive. However, the pilot’s life was for forfeit, as he was ripped out from one of the cockpit windows by what we now know to be the “smoke monster”.
Just wanted to take this chance to wish everyone here a Happy Christmas and a great New Year, as well as thanking everyone of YOU for reading, commenting, voting, and contributing to the site. Without you the readers this site would not be what it is today. A special thanks to all of those that help me behind the scenes, G-Man, Lyly, Sawyer840, The ODI, Dharmageddon, SaveMeJeebus, The Susan's, ChitownCubs and all of the team over at SpoilerTV and all of my spoiler contacts and sources. (If I have forgotten anyone I'm sorry but thanks to you to!)
Thank you all and have a great Xmas and New Year!
Cheers DarkUFO
Note: Don't worry I'm not shutting down the site over Xmas but there might be slightly less to post.
Thanks to Ralph from the Dharmalars for the following.
We recently sat down with Jorge Garcia and conducted a commentary for his episode "Tricia Tanaka is Dead". The Commentary also stars Jay, from The Lost Podcast with Jay and Jack. I thought that a lot of Lost fans would love to listen to it, due to the lack of commentaries present on the Season 3 dvds.
Here is a link to the actual file if you want to check it out.
Congratulations to Jacob’s Shack who stormed into the last 8.
Today is the last poll from Round 3 before we start with the Quarter-Finals tomorrow. Who will capture the remaining place?
The Black Rock was one of Season 1’s great mysteries. At first it was merely talked about but never seen, and so most viewers assumed that “the Black Rock” was indeed just a black rock. However, later on in the Season, Danielle led a small group of our Losties to the “the Black Rock” and we finally got to see it for ourselves. The Black Rock is a British slaving ship, located inland on the island, deep within the “dark territory”. Just how the ship became so far stranded inland remains a big mystery. Arzt met his end there while trying to stress the importance of safety with explosives. Naturally he blew himself up. Anthony Cooper also met his end there at the hands of James “Sawyer” Ford, after it was revealed that Anthony Cooper was in fact the man who conned James’ parents and ultimately killed them both.
Othersville, or “the Barracks”, is a secure residential base area located on the northern region of the island. It comprises of houses and various other buildings and facilities. Originally constructed by the Dharma Initiative, the ‘Others’ took control of it after ‘the Purge’. The Others have since used Othersville as their home and also their base of operations on the island. The Others abandoned the barracks in the episode “Left Behind”. The submarine harbor was located fairly close to the barracks, and as we all know the submarine has been the only means of getting on and off the island (short of crashing there). Therefore the barracks could be considered the island’s lobby of sorts. Previously it was where a large portion of the Dharma Initiative staff worked and lived.
Thanks to Ryan in from Hawaii Blog for the following.
The “LOST” Beach Premiere is still on, and has been moved back a week to Jan. 26, 2008, still allowing local fans an early look at the Season 4 premiere.
After ABC announced last week that “LOST” would return to its primetime schedule on Thursday nights beginning Jan. 31, and given the continued uncertainty caused by the ongoing writers’ strike, fans have wondered about whether we’d still see the now traditional advance screening on Waikiki Beach.
Before the strike, the traditional “Sunset on the Beach” premiere was said to be scheduled for Feb. 2, 2008. But the walkout sent networks scrambling to rearrange their lineups and scrapping major promotional events (including the “LOST” Season 3 DVD launch party on Lanai and the TCA press tour). Many people suspected the “Sunset on the Beach” would be a similar casualty.
But, at least as of this past weekend, the beach premiere is still on, and set for Saturday, Jan. 26. This news comes from the fantastic hosts of “The Lost Podcast with Jay and Jack,” who will discuss the event on their upcoming show and who have just made their travel arrangements. I, for one, look as much forward to meeting them as I do to seeing “LOST” return to the really big screen.
Congratulations to the Cockpit for progressing into the QF's at the expense of Mr Cluck's exploding Chicken Shack.
Today sees another off vs on encounter which will book the victor one of the last 2 places in the next round.
When Ben first takes Locke to meet the mysterious Jacob in “The Man Behind the Curtain”, Ben leads John to a decrepit looking cabin deep in the jungle. Inside of the cabin they find an empty chair and Ben introduces the chair’s invisible occupant as none other than Jacob. Locke, unable to see Jacob, believes that Ben is either lying or plain crazy, and so he turns to leave the cabin. As Locke attempts to leave he hears the pained words “Help me”. Confused and bewildered, Locke shines his flashlight upon Ben and the empty chair, which sets in motion what can only be described as a terrifying poltergeist moment. The cabin begins to shake violently, Ben is thrown up against a wall and Locke very narrowly escapes the cabin unscathed. Amongst all of the mayhem, we briefly get a quick glimpse of the elusive Jacob sitting in the chair.
During a flashback scene, Ana-Lucia followed Jack into the airport bar and the two of them sparked up a rather flirtatious conversation. The conversation was quickly interrupted by Ana's ringing phone however, and the two of them parted ways. The airport bar is also briefly featured in a deleted flashback scene with Claire and the Oceanic flight 815 pilot. He tells Claire that psychics are just magicians who aren’t good enough to play Vegas, and that she always has a choice.
Congratulations to the The Main Beach Camp for an easy win yesterday.
Today sees another off vs on battle for a place in the last 8. There are just 2 more polls after today before the Qtr-Finals start.
The front plane section of Oceanic flight 815 included the cockpit and the first class seating section. When the doomed flight 815 fell out of the sky, the front plane section crashed down into the dense island jungle, a few miles or so inland from the coast. In order to retrieve the flight’s black box, Jack, Kate and Charlie ventured into the jungle in search of the front plane section. Upon finding the intact plane section, the three of them also discovered that the pilot of the plane was still alive. However, the pilot’s life was for forfeit, as he was ripped out from one of the cockpit windows by what we now know to be the “smoke monster”.
Mr. Cluck’s Chicken Shack is a fast food restaurant and franchise, and it is featured throughout Hurley’s Lost flashbacks. Hurley worked at Mr. Cluck’s up until the day that he won the lottery, and was able to quit his low paying job. Hurley’s best friend and co-worker, Johnny, also quit his job at Mr. Cluck’s on that same night. Later in time, Hurley purchased Mr. Cluck’s and in a reversal of fortune, Hurley’s former boss, Randy, found himself working for Hurley. Unfortunately, Mr Cluck’s restaurant was to meet an untimely demise when a meteor, or meteorite, soared down from the heavens and destroyed the restaurant, along with news reporter Tricia Tanaka inside.
Congratulations for Room 23 for yesterdays victory that takes it into the last 8.
Which of Today's Locations will be joining it?
Nigeria has featured heavily in Eko’s flashback scenes, and the Nigerian village lies central to Eko’s back-story. It was there that he turned from an innocent soccer loving kid into a ruthless thug. Ironically, it was also where, following the shooting of his brother Yemi, he became a priest and looked to redeem himself. Eko worked as a priest from Yemi’s village church, until one day Emeka and his men came demanding 80% of the village’s vaccine shipments. Eko subsequently killed Emeka inside of Yemi’s church.
The main beach camp was the island home to the survivors of the middle section of Oceanic flight 815. Sawyer has been known to refer to it as “Islandtown”. At first the camp was set up close to the plane wreckage, with our Losties seeking shelter beneath broken parts of the fuselage, and with some even sleeping on the open sand. Around day 22 the tide changed and started sweeping away the wreckage. Our Losties were thereafter forced to move up the beach to an area bordering the jungle foliage. There our Losties began to erect permanent shelters and huts. They were able to create a more confortable living space there. More recently the beach camp was set with explosives and blown to pieces in order to contest the attacking threat of the ‘Others’.
I'm getting some unconfirmed reports that this years "Sunset on the Beach" Hawaiian Premiere will be held on Sunday 3rd February 2008 and that a number of the cast will be present.
As soon as I have official confirmation I will post it here.
Congratulations to Inside Flight 815 for yesterdays large victory.
Today marks the halfway point in Round 3 and sees another Off vs On Island battle.
Room 23 was a locked room in the Hydra station compound, in which Karl was kept as a detainee in the episode "Not in Portland". It is located in what appears to be a relatively small outside facility guarded by an ‘Other’ named Aldo. Karl was subjected to some kind of brainwashing experimentation, by being forced to watch a trippy video through neon blue goggles, and all accompanied by banging drum-and-bass music. He was also found to have been injected with an IV needle in his arm. The video itself contained various quick cuts of images and text, including glimpses of Gerald DeGroot and Alvar Hanso. We were also given a rather exciting glimpse of the text "God loves you as He loved Jacob"
Firstly, it must be mentioned that the name "Hoffs / Drawlar" is an anagram for "flash forward", and that is exactly where this location has appeared; in a flash forward. At an unspecified moment in the future, the funeral director at ‘Hoffs/Drawlar’ arranges the burial of an as yet mysterious person who is/was an acquaintance of Jack. Many Lost fans have thrown around educated guesses of the deceased being John Locke, Michael Dawson, James Ford and Benjimen Linus, amongst various other island characters. However, as of yet the identity of the deceased remains a huge mystery to all.