Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The LAND is our's once more- Go Forth

Art thou the bread of the sandwich or art thou the meat of the sandwich? I ask thee with a pragmatic tone is thy on the outside looking in or art thy in the middle of it all. Go forth gentle being, speak of the Great Monkey Suit, as if he were the King of the land. For one day his offspring shall inherit the priceless loft on which we are perched, they shall rule again as if they never left us. It is written thy Great Monkey Suit’s offspring shall rule again. I say go forth ye gentle soul and tell of the tale that the great fortunes fortold. Go with a courage and valour that be unmatched in the eyes on no man, go forth and hardily wage the fierce vengence with out hast and make steadfast the order of my lady whom is graciously standing without a flaw at the side of the Great monkey Suit. Proclaim in the name of the Great Monkey Suit THIS LAND BE OURS AGAIN!!!!

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