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Thanks to DarkUFO reader Elizabeth for the following.
Just to let you know as a huge fan of LOST who lives in Australia. I have been bothering the network daily to get an airdate and they have just confirmed that they are airing a special on channel seven2 on Wednesday 10th FEB from 830-930 followed by the first two episodes so we will end up being a few hours behind airings in the US. Great news for Aussie LOST fans like me! (Last year it aired at 11 pm and was about two to three weeks behind).
Group 3's numbers were predictable. Creating this group was very difficult for us because we thought Ilana and Bram were to valuable to be relegated to Group 4 but we also didn't think they would stack up well against some old favorites. In the end we had to grin and bear it.
I have a general idea how well Ilana and Bram might fare this season and we can finally compare statistical data for the other three. The WHH vs. Reboot debate rages on even into Group 3, believe it or not. It seems to me that most of these characters will do better given a WHH. A reboot might work out for them but I think most of their points potential lies in WHH.
From most popular to least, here is Group 3...
RICHARD ALPERT With a 37% selection rate, Richard certainly seems to be a trendy pick. His Season 4 performance was dismal but last year he really came through. He didn't finish high in his group, but he was also up against several main characters. After Season 5, it seems like Richard is going to be pretty front and center during the final chapter. He does have some limitations though.
Whatever Happened, Happened: This is the best case scenario for Richard. There is going to be some kind of fallout over the death of Jacob and I wouldn't be surprised if we got some juicy back story on our beloved ageless stranger. Rumors of a Richard flashback swirled last season, which has me hopeful that we'll finally get one. This could do wonders for your Fantasy Team but keep in mind that Richard's past could also be explained away via dialogue.
Reboot: This will really limit his potential because it might mean that he was killed by the bomb or he'll still be on the Island, doing very little to interact with our Lostie friends. Might Jacob use him as a messenger in this case? It's possible but I think a reboot will push Richard to the back burner yet again.
Grade: Good, because I can't see such a cool character getting tossed by the wayside even in a reboot. Richard is a part of the Island's history and mythology, which tells me that we will be seeing him no matter what. Look for a lot of mythology points to come his way. Given enough of these, Richard should lead Group 3 easily.
JOHN LOCKE Boy, oh boy! A lot of you are taking an awfully big risk here. Locke is dead, which means he won't get many points at all aside from appearing in the episodes if we continue to see his corpse. The 26% of you with Locke on your Fantasy Teams could find yourselves in the dumps in a hurry if things don't work out in Locke's favor.
WHH: His points potential is dismal here because he is dead. Locke will not be earning points for anything the Man in Black does while in his form. I don't know if you realized that or if you are just that ballsy.
Reboot: This is Locke's best shot at scoring big. His character is still important enough to follow post-landing if we do get the reboot. I don't foresee as many Island point categories getting hit off-Island, so he'll need a centric episode to keep up the pace.
Grade: Shaky at best because he is dead. Unless Locke is reincarnated in a WHH scenario, I think many of you will find yourselves up a creek without a paddle. A reboot breaths life into Locke's potential but I don't know how much that will amount to. Locke did the best out of himself, Desmond and Richard two seasons in a row, but he was alive all of Season 4 and half of Season 5. This is the highest we've ever placed a dead character in an LFL group, so we're just as curious as you are to see how it pans out.
DESMOND HUME Coming in just a smidge behind Locke in popularity, Desmond is on 24% of all Fantasy Team rosters. I think a stronger performance in Season 5 would have resulted in a higher pick rate this year. His Season 5 total was higher than his Season 4 numbers but he still lost ground on both Locke and Richard.
WHH: Eloise said that the Island wasn't finished with Desmond yet, so there may yet be room for our favorite Scotsman on Lost. Conversely, she also admitted to not knowing what was coming next, so she may have just been bluffing. I don't think Des will go back to the Island because that would put his family in danger. There may be room for him off-Island with Hawking and Widmore but I just don't know. If he does show up with wife and kid in tow, he might pick up some smooching points.
Reboot: I don't see how Desmond would factor into the story this way. If Widmore dies or never leaves the Island as a result of the bomb, maybe Penny won't even exist, eliminating his romance potential. Desmond was important because of the Swan hatch. If the hatch is destroyed, so is Desmond's significance.
Grade: Shaky. I still think there might be some loose ends to tie up with his storyline in a WHH scenario, so I half expect him to show up. If it's a reboot, we might only catch a fleeting glimpse of him. He won't be as central as Richard, so I can't give him a glowing review.
ILANA It's hard knowing how such a new character will perform, let alone two of them. Ilana has a connection to Jacob somehow, which makes me think she is important. Therefor, I can see her coming into play in both WHH and a reboot. Only 12 % of you were willing to take the chance but I think you might be pleasantly surprised.
WHH: Ilana seems to be on Team Jacob, which means we may see her mix it up with the Man in Black. She seems to know a lot, which opens her up to the mythologically significant point categories. This could be a big boost for her as long as she keeps the violence to a minimum. There may also be room for a flashback showing how she got so beat up before Jacob visited her.
Reboot: This might reduce her screen time but I think her connection to Jacob means she'll be around. She might just be lurking behind the scenes or she could be heavily involved. Either way, I think she's good to go if we do get a reboot.
Grade: Pretty good, as long as she doesn't get violent. She was a little feisty with Frank and Sayid in Season 5 and seems to have a temper. If she can keep that in check, she ought to do pretty well. If she manages to survive the whole season, I think she'll do better than both Locke and Desmond.
BRAM Barely more than 1% of you took a chance on Bram and I think that is going to hurt you. Between him and Ilana, I think Bram is probably the more expendable one. He barely did anything in Season 5 beyond make threats and appear in Miles' flashback. He may have a breakout season but I think he offers the least value in Group 3.
WHH: Yes, he is in the thick of things on the Island and that might help him. He also seems ready for a fight, which is not good. He may score some mythology-related points but I can also see him being dispatched early on to speed up the story. If Ilana has a flashback, I bet he'll be in it. Beyond this, I have little hope for him.
Reboot: He might still be connected to Ilana somehow but I don't know how much Team Jacob would be needed if the reboot occurs and Jacob never dies. The reboot would provide Bram the bare minimum of potential.
Grade: Bad mostly because he did so little in Season 5. Plus, Group 3 has plenty of other risky characters with more potential. Call me a cynic but I just don't think Bram has what it takes.
OVERALL I can see a ton of surprises coming out of Group 3 either way the season goes. Consequently, I have the least confidence in my predictions for how this group will finish up. I do believe that Richard is still the strongest character no matter what happens.
Group 4 is where we hit solid ground. There is no question in my mind that every single one of these characters will show up in Season 6. All of them (except for maybe one) also have pretty decent prospects given WHH or a Reboot. The trick is going to be figuring out which of them has the best potential overall for success. This is definitely not easy.
Group 4 is another diverse set. Four of these eight characters managed to snag double-digit pick percentages, meaning that some of you had trouble making up your minds or that you simply had faith in a number of these folk.
From most-picked to least, here is Group 4...
CLAIRE LITTLETON She was a somewhat popular pick in Season 5 and went bust. This year has to be different. A whopping 38% of you picked Claire, making her the 5th most popular character in the Season 6 LFL. She's got some 'splainin to do, so I can see her beating her Season 4 total of 140 points by a good margin if the right scenario comes about.
Whatever Happened, Happened: She hasn't been around much, which means we'll have some catching up to do. Could Claire score her first centric episode since Season 3? WHH might play into that, which could be extra huge for Claire. She was last seen with Christian Shephard, so she may benefit from Island weirdness points too.
Reboot: We'll see her pregnant and getting off of the plane for sure. Beyond that though? It's hard to say. After her Season 2 episode, she all but ceased to be important. Would a reboot build any importance to her character? I don't know.
Grade: Good. Again, I think I'm being optimistic for WHH coming true. Even still, Claire, like Christian, could be a fake. Miles seemed intrigued by her and she was seen with Christian. She's a very risky pick in this regard but if she is real, I think she'll give Jacob a run for his money.
JACOB We just saw him get murdered and yet I think he'll do just fine no matter what we get this season. Twenty-one percent of you must have been thinking the same thing. Despite performing miserably in Season 4, Jacob mounted a stunning come-from-behind victory to win his group in one episode. This of course was the Season 5 finale- a 2-hour Jacob-centric episode. Despite being dead, I think Jacob is about to have a breakout year.
WHH: Yeah, he's dead, but he was just revealed to be part of a story line larger than anything we've seen yet on the show. I wouldn't be surprised if we see a fair amount of back story between Jacob and the Man in Black.
Reboot: The conflict between MIB and Jacob seems to loom larger than anything involving the Losties, so I bet Jacob will still be a factor one way or another. And in this case, he'll be alive.
Grade: Good. Jacob could really rock the Island weirdness points when it comes to learning all the mythology. He could also benefit greatly from meeting new people throughout his history. He could also very well stay dead and be little more than a red herring but I just don't see that being the case.
CHARLES WIDMORE Slow and steady seems to be the case with Charles Widmore. He was barely in the plus column in Season 4 and did modestly better last year but modest points-earnings won't get you far in the LFL. Around 14% of you were willing to bet on a big year for Widmore. We'll see how that turns out.
WHH: This is his best scenario because we'll still have Charles around in two different time periods. Young Charles might be involved with helping the Losties get back to the present. Present Widmore still has some unresolved issues with Ben. I have to think that this will come to a head in the final season.
Reboot: Widmore is on the Island when the bomb goes off. This might kill him or he could survive. This could radically alter his past with Ben and the Island itself. If he never leaves, then might there be no Penny? A reboot leaves Charles very much up in the air.
Grade: Pretty good because I think we have to find out how he managed to get so rich off the Island. The big thing that could hinder Widmore's progress is his tempter. Young Widmore has shown a knack for laying the hurt on people. Older Widmore seems to have others do his dirty work most of the time. A kinder, gentler Widmore will improve his totals but this should not be hoped for too much.
FRANK LAPIDUS He has been on the periphery the last two seasons but I think the 11% of you who went with Frank will be pleasantly surprised this year. He hit triple digits in Season 5 and he looks poised to repeat that success this year.
WHH: I think this scenario benefits his the most because he will be a factor. Ilana's group mentioned Frank as a possible 'candidate.' I have no idea what that means but I think it gives Frank some potential to become more important. Something big has to be coming in the fallout from Jacob's murder and Frank will be right in the thick of it.
Reboot: Initially, I don't see much for Frank here. It might be an interesting twist of fate if the reboot puts Frank in the pilot's seat for Flight 815. Beyond this, I don't know.
Grade: Good with an asterisk. I think my optimism might be getting the better of me here. Frank will probably only do well with a reboot. Maybe the 'candidate' thing could be a factor in a reboot but it's hard to say. I just like his WHH chances too much to consider the reboot theory possible. They've hyped him up too much to just have all this fall by the wayside.
CHRISTIAN SHEPHARD He did significantly better in Season 4 than in Season 5 but I think he'll manage more than just five points this season. Christian is a rare character that could be sidelined by a factor other than WHH vs. Reboot. Around 7% of you picked him for your Fantasy Team rosters. There are certainly more 'obvious' choices than Christian so I'm curious if you guys picked him for the sake of thinking outside the box or because you just liked his chances more.
WHH: We've certainly seen a good bit of him moving around the Island lately and I expect that to continue. If we get WHH, I suspect we'll get the scoop on Christian and his apparent resurrection.
Reboot: This will hurt Christian because he is dead. A reboot might take him out of the picture except for a flashback or a picture appearance.
Grade: Shaky because Christian might not even be Christian. We know that Smokey can manifest itself in the form of others, so if Christian is actually some kind of manifestation by Smokey or something else other than the real Christian, all of his points will go out the window! Only the real Christian Shephard will get points. This could be a bombshell that could hurt a number of scores. This makes him one of Season 6's most volatile characters.
JULIET BURKE Of all the characters in Group 4, Juliet strikes me as the weakest. I cannot fathom a situation where she will continue to be important or involved to any serious degree on the show. Only 5% of you picked her, which tells me that most of you have written her off. She was a solid performer the past two seasons but circumstances have changed for Lost's blonde bombshell.
WHH: Well, if she detonated the bomb, as it appeared she did in the Season 5 finale, she should be dead. That pretty much does it.
Reboot: Maybe a cameo or two, but nothing major. I don't think the reboot would need Juliet anyway. We may just hear about her discovering a radical new fertility treatment.
Grade: Between bad and poor. In case you didn't know, actress Elizabeth Mitchell has been doing a little show called V. She is a main character. That all but rules out any serious involvement on Lost. She might come back for a cameo appearance in a flashback or two but I don't foresee much else. Just pray that we don't see her die again.
PENELOPE "PENNY" HUME I'm a little surprised to see such a lack of love for Penny this year. I know these groups were hard to pick from but I figured Penny would have been a little higher than 7th in Group 4. Just over 2% of you have her on your Fantasy Teams. I think some folk were dismayed by how little Penny was in Season 5 but consider this- Penny still hit triple digits despite only appearing in five episodes.
WHH: Things for Desmond and Penny appear to be rosy at the moment but Eloise did say that the Island wasn't done with Desmond yet. That makes me think that there is room for Des in Season 6. If Des is going to be there in the present, you better believe that Penny will be with him.
Reboot: This could get tricky. If a reboot speeds up the process for Des and Penny getting together, we might see her but I think that a reboot eliminates the need for Desmond altogether.
Grade: Shaky but still pretty good. Actress Sonya Walger is a series regular on Flashforward, so her availability will be limited. But, considering that Flashforward isn't coming back until March, she may have found some time to sneak off to Hawaii. If Penny can score over 100 points in 5 episodes back when we deducted points for absenteeism, just imagine what she could do if she pops up with out the deduction! I don't see Penny being one of the top three scorers for Group 4 but I can't help but think she'll put up some good numbers. Romance points have always been her friend.
ELOISE HAWKING She wasn't the worst you could do in Season 5 but Eloise has yet to become a major factor in the LFL. Hitting triple digits last year was a big improvement but I feel like her story might be at least halfway played out. I think most of you saw this too, leading to a measly 2% selection rate.
WHH: We will hopefully see the circumstances of her leaving the Island and maybe a little more of her past with Daniel and Charles. Some of this will have to come from others flashbacks though, as I don't see her becoming that central a character. Also, present-time Eloise might score a few more points if she returns to the Island herself. I don't know how likely that is but anything can happen.
Reboot: I just don't know. Would the bomb going off kill her or would she somehow get off the Island with young Daniel in tow? Her role as time cop might be done away with in a reboot, taking her out of the picture quite a bit.
Grade: Shaky but still pretty good. She still has enough mystery surrounding her to be kept around. I don't think the producers are just going to write her off. We've got too many questions. She definitely benefits most from WHH but there may be room for her in a reboot. Either way, I think we'll see her.
OVERALL I think we will see all of these characters for sure but my grading is fuzzy at best because some characters could be hurt badly by WHH or the Reboot. It's all going to come down to who best serves the story. Groups 1-3 will pretty much all be graded on their importance to the story. Group 4 is the tipping point. I think a few characters here will do very well and help balance out any weak spots in your Groups 5-7 picks. Here's my best guess on how Group 4 will work out:
1) Jacob 2) Claire 3) Frank 4) Charles Widmore 5) Eloise 6) Penny 7) Christian 8) Juliet
Funny man Rip Torn, 78, was arrested for breaking into a Connecticut bank on Friday night.
According to police reports, the actor/comedian was found inside the Litchfield Bancorp building, clearly intoxicated and waving a loaded revolver.
Torn, who appeared on 30 Rock, Men In Black, Bee Movie, and a host of other comedies, was arrested and held on $100,000 bond.
Cops say Torn was charged with carrying a pistol without a permit, carrying a firearm while intoxicated, first-degree burglary, first-degree criminal trespass and third-degree criminal mischief.
He has two previous DUI arrests, is on probation in Connecticut, and has attended numerous court ordered alcohol education programs.
Torn's real name is Elmore Rual Torn, Jr, and was currently in production on "Cat Tales" due in theaters later in 2010.
The animated comedy has Torn lending his voice to Sampson, in this story of a cat named Rover, who has been raised as a dog in Dogtown, by accident. Rover travels to Catopolis to find where he really came from and find his roots. _
The Premiere Party will also hopefully cover the events and build up to tonight's 1hr Premiere along with photos of Cast,Crew, and Crowd as well as the Red Carpet photos and interviews.
Hey All, So on the eve of the LOST Season 6 Premiere at Sunset on the Beach in Oahu we are ONLY a few days away from the full premiere on ABC!
I am so happy for all of the lucky Losties including our podcast partner Karen who is in Oahu right now enjoying all the festivities!
We will cover all festivities here and in the spoilers sections of the site as well.
As far as the podcast goes, this is a Super-Sized podcast with three main segments.
The first segment is Karen, Vozzek and myself catching up and providing you all with our thoughts and expectations for Season 6. The second segment is the interview that Karen and I did with actor Billy Ray Gallion who plays Randy Nations (aka Locke's Boss at the Box Company). The third segment is the spoiler segment, which is the first half a spoilers podcast I did with my good friend Mister Payne.
There is a ton of great content and I hope you all enjoy it!
You can find Billy Ray Gallion on his Facebook Fanpage here:
Group 5 is probably the hardest group for me to figure out in terms of a Reboot or Whatever Happens, Happens. Some characters will benefit from one or the other, while some characters are in flux and might not do well in either situation.
This group was not as surprising in its breakdown as Group 6. Most of the decisions make sense but I think they may still show just a hint of poor judgment. Having run the LFL for two years now, I'd like to think I know a good pick when I see one but I have been wrong, so take these breakdowns with a grain of salt. I'm not trying to put anyone down; just sharing my thoughts.
Before we jump into the goodies, don't forget that you can look your team up by the first part of your email address in our Lost Fantasy Team Lookup Table. You can also follow the League on Twitter and Facebook.
Now then, on with the show...
AARON LITTLETON Ever a controversial character in the LFL, Aaron has his supporters and critics. Clearly many of you were comfortable with his chances because he appears on 42% of all Fantasy Teams. Aaron rocked in Season 4 thanks to showing up in plenty of flashforwards. Getting left out of the action and left behind with his grandmother caused him to slump in Season 5. Aaron's success will be linked to whichever route the producers are taking us.
Whatever Happened, Happened: I don't think Aaron will matter much at all. Unless we see Claire reappear and leave the Island, Aaron won't matter. Being left with Carole was a way to write him off of the show for the most part because a young child doesn't need to be put through all the drama that comes with Island life.
Reboot: Aaron wouldn't get any points until he is born in a reboot. This means we would have to keep in touch with Claire a good bit before Aaron would make his way onto the scene. This might hold him back but the reboot definitely plays into his favor because he is more likely to be around. Obviously he'll benefit from kiss points from his mother, which would be about all you could expect out of him.
Grade: Pretty good. Despite his hit or miss status, I think he may be one of the better bets. I didn't select him for my team because WHH is a threat to his points total but I could be wrong. The Island found a way to bring everyone else back. Who's to say the little bugger won't come back as well.
WALTER "WALT" LLOYD I was one of the 23% of contestants that put Walt on their team. The more I think about it though, the more concerned I am about his chances. There is a lot of mystery still surrounding Walt but I fear that his time in captivity with the Others could easily be explained away in a piece of dialogue. Couple that with the fact that Walt's Season 4 and 5 totals were both in the negatives, and you find Walt in a very precarious position.
WHH: I don't think there's much good hoping that he'll come back to the Island, so Walt will have to show up in a flashback to do you any good.
Reboot: The big red flag here is that they would have to recast young Walt, as the actor is now way too old. We might see him get off of Flight 815 and his 'specialness' might factor into a reboot but I have to be somewhat skeptical based on my uncertainty about Micheal's chances.
Grade: Shaky because Walt's appearance in a reboot will depend greatly on Micheal's reappearance. I'm just not sure that this will happen anymore. I'm optimistic that we'll have Walt's loose ends tied up but I'm not sure that Malcolm David Kelley or a stand-in will be necessary for this.
VINCENT He didn't score well last year in his LFL debut but I think that the lack of the absentee deduction will work to his advantage. Roughly 15% of you picked the pup as your Group 5 representative, making Group 5 the first group we've looked at to have three characters making the double digits in the selection percentages.
WHH: Vincent was shown to still be on the Island, so I like his chances of popping up again.
Reboot: I have to think we'll either see him being led away from the airport or he'll escape and visit one of our Losties.
Grade: Pretty good, to a point. The producers said that we would see Vincent through Season 6, so I'm going to hold them to that. But, Vincent never really does much. He may have the best chances of appearing but that might be all the more points that he qualifies for. He doesn't speak and never really gets involved with anything major. Even though it's Group 5, you probably should have gone with someone more likely to milk their appearances for points.
CHARLIE HUME I'm still wondering if any of the 9% who chose Charlie did so by accidentally thinking we meant Charlie Pace. Maybe you just expect to see more out of Desmond and Penny. After all, Hawking said the Island wasn't done with Des yet. But would Charlie really be brought along for the ride?
WHH: This is the only way I see him getting points. He will need some more epilogue stuff from the Desmond story line to be of any worth but that could be likely in a WHH scenario. His appearances might only be good for a kiss or two from mom or dad though.
Reboot: I don't even see Charlie in the picture. Does a reboot speed up his parents' process of getting married? I think not. Besides, Desmond would be a total non-factor in a reboot.
Grade: Shaky at best. WHH could be kind to Charlie but WHH is 50-50 right now. Given a WHH, Charlie still has maybe a 50-50 chance of being in it. The odds seem stacked against him but you never really can write off the power of Desmond's sentimental story line.
ROSE NADLER She's the original supporting character and just over 4% of you picked her? What is wrong with this picture? True, her Season 4 and 5 totals were unimpressive but there is no absentee deduction this year!
WHH: Despite the whole 'retirement' bit in Season 5, I can't imagine that we won't see her again. If for little else than sentimentality, she should be on the scene. If Jack and the others can find a way to get back to the present then Rose will be there.
Reboot: We'll at least see her get off of the plane. I don't know how much we would follow up with her though. It might be better to not follow up with her because we might see her die from cancer, which would not be good for your Fantasy Team.
Grade: Good because I can't envision a season of Lost without Rose. One way may work out better for her than the other but she ought to be able to earn enough points to keep her in the plus column even if she dies in a reboot.
JI-YEON KWON She did show up last season but the absentee deduction killed her points total. As for her relevance in the rest of Lost's story, I don't think she has any. This is why I am not surprised that no more than 3% of you picked her.
WHH: She was left behind with her grandmother for a reason. Sure, Sun wants to find her husband and bring him home to their daughter but I'm not sure a Kwon reunion would go so far as to take them back to Korea. I don't think Ji-Yeon has any prospects to appear in flashbacks because her mother's post-Island story has been told.
Reboot: Definitely no chance for her here. Jin was sterile before the Island so Ji-Yeon has a snowball's chance if the reboot occurs.
Grade: Bad. Sun's pregnancy was a great way to add drama to Season 3 and Ji-Yeon was a neat inclusion to Season 4. By Season 5 though, it seemed like the writers didn't know what to do with her so they abandoned her completely. Expect more of the same in Season 6.
BERNARD NADLER Where there is Rose, there is usually Bernard. I like his chances of returning because the 'retirement' thing was probably just a way to get them into Season 5. They may think they are retired but the Island may say otherwise. Only 3% of you bothered with the dentist though.
WHH: Same as Rose, I think that Bernard will be back during the aftermath of the bomb. They would have to end up going back to the present with Jack and the other Losties. It wouldn't make much sense otherwise.
Reboot: Maybe a one and done scene unless we follow Rose as her cancer progresses.
Grade: Pretty good. I think Rose and Bernard are a joint ticket by now. He did fair a little better than Rose in Season 4 but they were even last year. I just like his chances.
CAROLE LITTLETON Barely 1% of you went with the former invalid, which makes a lot of sense. Carole was brought into the mix as a means to get Aaron out of the picture. Now that he's with her and the action is on the Island, I don't see her being necessary at all. She probably would have scored decently in Season 5 but we didn't think she had much potential back then. We were wrong once but I think we're right this time.
WHH: There is no room for her here outside of a flashback or maybe a flashforward.
Reboot: She was still in a coma when Flight 815 crashed, so I don't see any chance here.
Grade: Bad. She is definitely the worst choice in Group 5 but we had to include her to provide a little extra variety. Group 5 won't likely bring in many points but every point counts.
OVERALL I view this as the last group I will have difficulty figuring out. Everyone in Groups 1-4 are more important to the story. Groups 5-7 are tricky because there have to be those minor characters that might or might not work out for you. Some of these characters are set no matter what happens, while others are risky no matter what. In the end, I think Group 5 might couple with Group 6 to give that extra little push needed to succeed in Season 6. Here's how I think Group 5 will finish out score-wise:
1) Rose 2) Bernard 3) Aaron 4) Vincent 5) Walt 6) Charlie Hume 7) Ji-Yeon 8) Carole