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We really want to make this the biggest and best Season and with all your great help I'm sure we can do this. Here are some things that you can do to help us grow and make others more aware of the site. The more people who visit, the more interaction we get and the more we all get out of it.

You can also follow or join all our other Social Network Sites here.

5) If you repost any info you find on DarkUFO please add a little "Thanks to DarkUFO for the heads up" and link back to the article here at DarkUFO. This helps people know about us and helps our chances of people finding us via google.

7) Make sure you join in with the comments of any polls we post about what you thought of an episode after it has aired. We post polls for episodes after they have finished on the Homepage. Don't by shy. Even if you post anonymously and just say "Great Episode" or "Terrible Episode" :) It all helps to get the conversation going/started.

We may have to close registrations down soon due to volume when the season starts so make sure you get an account before it's too late :)

11) Rate Content: A number of sections such as Media Mentions, Lost Mysteries, Lost Theories and Fan Generated Media all have little ratings widgets under. Make sure you rate these content items so that we know which are the best and worst :)
12) Don't foget some of other smaller sections
Media Mentions
Site Summary
Lost Answers
Lost Audio
Lost Books
Continuity Errors
Lost Mysteries
Screencaps and Easter Eggs
The Whispers
Live Chat
Lost Theories
Lost Polls
Fan Generated Media
DVD and Blu-Ray Section
And of course if you have any suggestions we would love to hear them.
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