Hey All,
I know it has been a while, but yes we are still alive! Thanks to everyone that has emailed us, commented or checked via Twitter as to when a new podcast will be up and ready to go?!?
If you are one of those people you have gotten my reply that we have a couple of them recorded and just need time to edit them. Unfortunately the time to edit takes a bit longer than the time I have had recently.
Yes the site is still active, but the fact is it takes several hours to edit and trim our podcast so you get the best possible podcast we can currently put out.
Why do I have less time all of a sudden? Well basically because of the economic times I have had to put more time into my work and I have taken on some extra projects.
One of those projects was a re-design of
The ODI site. The main change to the look is done, but it is a work in progress and one element we are adding to the site is creating a stand alone podcast page!! This was some thing many of you requested so we are in the process of doing that, but for now there is at least a tab in the top menu bar you can click to find all of the previous podcasts.
Eventually that podcast page will be linked from that tab. The new page hopefully will have some other features we are looking into and will also include podcasts on other subjects and shows! Some of you might already know that I have started a Weekly Sports Podcast with another fellow LOST fan Mister Payne and we have been Tweeting about it for the last several weeks.
So if you are a sports fan you can head to
www.nopaynenoglory.com or
click here to subscribe via iTunes.
Now besides all these good things, as promised we will still be putting out LOST podcasts and as I mentioned above we do have two podcasts already recorded from the last couple of months and will be recording a third tomorrow.
Here is a breakdown of what you should expect from us soon:
1) Comic Con Recap, yes maybe a bit out dated, but I talk about my experience this year, meeting fellow LOST fans, going to the panels and missing my podcast partners. Karen, Vozzek and I also provide you with our thoughts on this year's LOST Panel, the Comic Con Viral videos and talk a little about Season 6
2) Karen and I decided to bring on another special guest in LOST recapper Erika Olsen from
LongLiveLocke.com . We have never chatted with her before and Vozzek joined us to make for a very interesting podcast and round table of all things LOST.

3) Tomorrow Karen and I will be recording a podcast with Billy Ray Gaillon, who plays the recurring character Randy Nations aka Locke's Box Company Boss and Hurley's Mr. Cluck's employee. We are planning to chat with him about what he is currently working on, his role on LOST and more!
If you have any questions for him, please feel to leave a comment or email us at: mrtheodi@gmail.com
Also you can find a ton of info about Billy Ray on Lostpedia here:
http://lostpedia.wikia.com/wiki/Billy_Ray_GallionWell that is it for now and once again thanks for all the patience and I promise to get you guys some podcasts soon to help you through the last few months of this hiatus!!
Only TWO months left until Season 6!!