Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Who is DarkUFO?

I've been getting a lot of emails over the last year from people asking about me and what I do etc. One of these people (Janey) I respond by asking them to send me some interview style questions so that I could answer stuff once and for all. We did most of this over IM and I then tided up the post to what you see below. If you have any other questions that you'd like to ask me feel free to leave me a comment to this post.

What's your real name?

Where are you from?
Bedfordshire, England

Are you Married?
Yes, to the lovely Annie. No Kids but 2 black cats.

How come you have so much free time?
I'm a Professional Poker player

No seriously I gave up my job in London 3 years ago to play poker full-time, hence the spare time I have to spend on the Lost site.

What made you start the site?
Being involved in Web Design as part of my Job in London (Project Manager and Developer) I've always been interested in Web technology and creating sites.

I started by posting spoilers over at the IMDB messages boards however the boards are pretty unmoderated and posts would get deleted after a while and you could not embed photos,polls, videos etc. At the same time I started posting Spoilers over at the Tailsection for my friend Jon (aka DocArzt).

The site just really grew from my posting a few spoilers, trailers and listing the outstanding mysteries etc As the site became more popular people started to request other sections which have slowly been added. We recently passed the 20 Million hits mark in one Season alone, something I still can't quite comprehend.

What other forums do you post on?
I still post over at IMDB, but this season I've been posting over ABC Boards and I've met some really good people over there who help out with the site and contribute findings and screencaps etc. I've also just started to post over at the TWoP. I wish I had more time to post on the other big forums like Gertie's Lost-Forum, The Fuselage and Lost-TV Forums.

Jater or Skater
Ha! I know a lot of people think I'm a skater due to me publishing the FishBiscuit reviews and that fact that I forgot to add Evi and Matthew to one of the recent poll options but I'm not really interested in the Love Triangle that much. I'm more of a Mystery and Mythology person although I think the best couple would be Kate and Juliet ;)

Favourite Character
Well Season 1 it was Locke, Season 2 was Eko and Ben, and Season 3 Juliet and Ben. The actors who play these characters simply deserve every bit of praise that they get.

Favourite Episode
Dear Lord, that's a tough one. If I had to pick one and only one I'd pick The Man behind the Curtain, but it's not really a fair question!

Paulo and Nikki - where did you stand?
Ha, I thought they were fantastic insomuch as they were so bad LOL. I actually loved Expose and whatever anyone says, that episode forever etched them into the psyche of every Lost fan, whether you love or hate them.

Lostfan108 - Final Thoughts
I'd rather not say too much as the whole affair was a bit messy. Personally I'd have preferred Lostfan108 not to have revealed them at all, but once they were out there I tried my best to release them as best I could. I still don't know if I did the right thing or not.

Season 3 Hiatus - What to look forward to
Well we've just started the Prediction league which should be a lot of fun and make watching the episodes even more interesting especially as we all have our predictions invested in them. Hopefully the prizes add a little extra spice.

Also we have the Season 3 DVD and Soundtrack to preview, although it's a little disappointing that the DVD is not due until Dec. We will also be running some articles from resident recapper Vozzek69 and hopefully a season recap from Fishbiscuit along with some other articles of interest.

I've also been posting a Weekly Deleted scene and I've enough of these, if my maths is correct, to take us up to the S4 premiere

Also as we approach August time, we should start getting some nice spoilers from our people on the ground over in Hawaii and filming starts up and casting calls are released.

Is there a rivalry between the Lost sites
LOL... People seem to think there is, and I've no idea where this started. Myself and DocArzt (The Tailsection) are very good friends, and we chat a lot and find a lot of the posts about DarkUFO post this... The Tailsection posted that , really funny. I'm also good friends with some of the Sys Admins over at the excellent Lostpedia site, which I use constantly.

Each of the sites offer something different for the Lost fan and should be considered as complimentary services. DocArzt is a great writer and I love reading his ideas and thoughts about Lost, and his over take on things. Lostpedia is simply a stunning resource of Lost info and fun as well, you can spend hours clicking around. And DarkUFO I'd like to think that we provide a fast and up to date Spoiler service with lastest videoes and trailers along with some great looking screencaps etc.
I'm also good friends with SpoilerFix, BuddyTV, Lost-Media and Humpys. So no there is absolutely no rivalry between the sites.

Are you going to be around for Season 4
Hell yeah! The site is a lot of hard work but I've got so many good sources and so many helpful people who really help me out a lot. I'll list a few here and if I miss anyone sorry. Jeebs, Lyly, Sawyer840, Hum Hum, Luanne, Stephen, Chitowncubs, DocArzt, Insiderscoop, Ryan, Y2J plus my "sources" and soooo many others. Without these helpers I would really struggle to keep on top of things :)

Favourite Book, Film, Music, TV Show (not Lost)
Book = The Holographic Universe, Film = The Thing, Music = The Chameleons, TV = Fawlty Towers. Although, ask me that again tomorrow and you will probably get 4 different answers.

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